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What is TRACER?
Wasn't kidding about these back-to-back campaigns, right? Well next up is
TRACER: the Tracking Aerosol Convection Interactions Experiment
This will take place in Houston, Texas (one of my old stomping grounds!) and will study the relationship between aerosols and localized convection in the Houston area. While I won't be majorly involved in the campaign itself, I will have the chance to deploy the CLAMPS platform in May 2022, something I have practice with from BLISSFUL. I might alos help with an IOP or two when it's underway. There may also be opportunities related to the campaign that arise for me if they're related to AWAKEN. Regardless, I'd love the chance to go to Houston again, and, having lived there for a bit, I can defintely see why an aerosol-convection correlation topic is being pursued. Hopefully some cool observations come out of the campaign!
September 12-19, 2022: La Marque, Texas