Research and Class Projects
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Here at OU, we have different research groups pertaining to the area of meteorology we study. For example, we have a boundary layer group where we meet monthly to discuss our research, give talks, or learn about anything related to boundary layer meteorology, which is super helpful whenever I have questions that I need expert help on! Well, our group, the
Boundary Layer Integrated Sensing and Simulation (BLISS)
gave students like me the unique opportunity to deploy instruments on a mini-field campaign called the BLISS Field Univeralization Laboratory, a.k.a. BLISSFUL.
During COVID-19, many high-end field campaigns were delayed and the instrument platforms required calibration and testing after a period of dormancy. This is what BLISSFUL served to do while simultaneously training students apart of BLISS on instruments that collect boundary layer observations. So it basically turned a let-down into a beneficial situation, wohoo~ This took place during the end of May-July 2021, where two
CLAMPS platforms
were stationed at OU's Kessler Farm, a small field site in Purcell, OK that gives the experience of being out in the field without being too far from home. Training on UAS platforms, radiosonde launches, and deployment/undeployment practices took place. For me, this was the perfect precursor into present day in 2022 where a TON of fieldwork is about to take place; I feel like I actually have some idea what I'm doing!
We collected some really interesting results for which I'm currently working on a paper. When that gets published, I shall dive into the results in the 'Research and Class Projects' tab!