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What is AWAKEN?
Welcome to the field campaign that will be the birth of my dissertation research, the American WAKE ExperimeNt (AWAKEN)! Simply put, many researchers from atmospheric sciences and engineering fields will study the meteorological impacts of wind farms in the Southern Great Plains. Personally, I will be diving into the effects these farms may (or may not) have on the boundary layer, the lowest few kilometers of the atmosphere. What will the boundary layer's evolution throughout the day look like? Does the timing in the day-to-evening transition change? Is there variation in convection-related patterns from before the farms were built compared to after? All this and more I plan to investigate!
Here's a few pictures from site visits at the various locations near Lamont, Oklahoma we plan to deploy :D
AWAKEN Deployment! | September 27-October 1, 2022: King Plains Wind Project near Enid, Oklahoma
Collecting AWAKEN data | May 11th 2023: King Plains Wind Project near Enid, Oklahoma